9/8 Artistry in Action, Boston Conservatory at Berklee
9/21-25 Boston Pops
9/30 Winsor Music
10/1 Collage New Music at Brandeis
10/3-14 Boston Pops tour to Japan
10/22 Boston Conservatory Faculty Woodwind Quintet 11/11 Radius Ensemble
12/2-24 Boston Pops
12/19 and 24 Boston Ballet Nutcracker
2022 1/13, 14,15 and 16 Boston Symphony Orchestra
1/17 Collage New Music
2/18 Boston Modern Orchestra Project
2/27 Collage New Music
3/5 Radius Ensemble
3/27 Henri Lazarof COncert Series at Brandeis
4/2 Celebrity Series
4/8 Boston Modern Orchestra Project
4/9 Radius Ensemble
5/6 ProjectEcoMusic
5/21 Radius Ensemble
5/22-6/5 Cortona Sessions for New Music
5/17 BMOP/Odyssey Opera
5/22-6/5 Cortona Sessions for New Music
6/8 Cd Release Party Marti Epstein: Nebraska Impromtu on New Focus
7/8-7/9 Brookline Music School Summer Flute Institute
8/6 Landmarks Orchestra
8/11-14 National Flute Association Convention in Chicago
9/25 Odyssey Opera
10/1 Radius Ensemble
10/9 Boston Flute Festival ( Boston premiere of Oxygen by Julia Wolfe) 10/16 Collage New Music
10/23 Boston Conservatory Faculty Woodwind Quintet
11/3 Radius Ensemble
11/19 BMOP: Lord of Criers
12/2,3, 10, 18 Boston Pops on Tour
2020 Virtual EVENTS
7/22 at 1pm National Flute Association Summer Series Committee Chats: New Music Advisory Committee with: Brian Allred, Claudia Anderson, Elise Blatchford, Camilla Hoitenga, Ned McGowan, Conor Nelson, Jane Rigler and Paul Taub https://www.nfaonline.org/community/events/the-nfa-summer-series
7/31 at 2pm National Flute Association Summer Series Commissioning 101 with Paul Taub https://www.nfaonline.org/community/events/the-nfa-summer-series
8/22 at 8pm Cortona Sessions for New Music Faculty Recital youtu.be/HEjri3NGqsQ
8/19 at 8pm Cortona Collective Fellows Premiere Concert youtu.be/kHqLrMVurlA
9/12 at 8pm New Gallery Concert Series http://www.newgalleryconcertseries.org/ Music by Allison Loggins Hull
9/18 at 8pm Boston Conservatory at Berklee Chamber Series World Premiere work for Alto Flute and Cello by Timothy McCormack (with Rhonda Rider) https://livestream.com/thebostonconservatory/2020chamber1
10/29 at 8pm Radius Ensemble music by Wang Lu and Noel da Costa https://radiusensemble.org/products/home-concert2
1/12 at 8pm Collage New Music Pickman Hall at Longy School of Music Music by Moe, Tower, Ince, Rickets and Chase www.collagenewmusic.org
1/24 at 8pm Contata Singers Jordan Hall Music by FIne, Wyner, Copland and Ives www.cantatasingers.org
2/1 at 7:30 BMOP/Odyssey Opera Jordan Hall www.BMOP.org
2/9 at 8pm Faculty Flute Recital Music by David Sanford, Mary Kouyoumadjian, Melissa Hui, Lisa Bielawa, Sungji Hong and a world premiere by Alissa Voth bostonconservatory.berklee.edu/events/faculty-recital-sarah-brady-flute-0 2/23 at 6pm Cortona Collective at Hammert Building Eudora Kansas Music by Messiaen, Saariaho and Crumb facebook.com/events/s/cortona-collective-trio-voice-/221109772266454/?ti=icl
3/7 at 8pm Radius Ensemble www.radiusensemble.org
3/13 and 3/15 Odyssey Opera Huntington Theatre www.odysseyopera.org
4/4 at 7pm Julia Wolfe Premiere Flutistry Boston www.flutistry.com
4/19 at 3pm Equilibrium Concert New School of Music, Cambridge, MA www.eqnewmusic.com/events
5/2 at 8pm Radius Ensemble Pickman Hall Longy School of Music www.Radiusensemble.org
2019 1/19 at 8pm BMOP: Haroun and the Sea of Stories Charles Wuorinen Jordan Hall www.BMOP.org
2/2 at 8pm Boston Musica Viva Tsai Performance Center at BU Music by Currier, Cornell, Gandolfi and Robinson www.BMV.org
2/9 at 8pm Collage New Music Pickman Hall at Longy Music by: Lash, Schwendinger, Shepherd, Rakowski and Park www.collagenewmusic.org
2/15 at 7:30 and 2/17 at 2 Odyssey Opera Huntington Theatre Paride ed Elena: Gluck www.Odysseyopera.org
2/20-28 Boston Conservatory of Music at Berklee New Music Festival bostonconservatory.berklee.edu/contemporary-classical-music
2/28 at 6 and 8 Blackstar with Ambient Orchestra Calderwood at the Gardener bostonconservatory.berklee.edu/contemporary-classical-music
3/9 at 8pm Radius Ensemble Pickman Hall at Longy www.Radiusensemble.org
3/23 at 8pm Boston Symphony Orchestra Symphony Hall www.BSO.org
3/21-24 SEAMUS at the Boston Conservatory www.seamusonline.org/2019-national-conference/
4/5 at 8pm Solo Recital at the Music Mansion Providence, RI Music by: Messiaen, Fiday, Beglarian, Lee and more www.musicmansion.org/2019-season.html
5/4 at 8pm Radius Ensemble Pickman Hall at Longy Music by Valerie Coleman and Laurie San Martin
5/10 at 8pm BMOP: Desert Sorrows Jordan Hall www.BMOP.org
5/18- 6/1 Cortona Sessions for New Music Cortona, Italy www.cortonasessions.org
6/18-6/30 Walls Walla Chamber Music Festival Columbia River Valley in WA www.wwcmf.org
7/11 at 7pm Monadnock Music House Concert Wilton, NH www.monadnockmusic.org
7/24 and 26 at 7:30 and 7/28 at 3 Boston Midsummer Opera www.midsummeropera.org
8/1-4 National Flute Association Convention Salt Lake City www.NFAonline.org
8/21 and 28 at 7pm Boston Landmarks Orchestra Hatch Shell Www.landmarksorchestra.org
9/21 at 7:30pm Odyssey Opera Jordan Hall www.Odysseyopera.org
9/24 at 9pm Ludovico Ensemble Distler Hall, Tufts www.ludovicoensemble.org
9/28 at 8pm Radius Ensemble Pickman Hall, Longy School of Music www.Radiusensemble.org
10/4 at 8pm BMOP Jordan Hall www.BMOP.org
10/5-6 Boston Flute Fair at the Boston Conservatory at Berklee with Flutistry BOSTON www.flutistry.com
10/20 at 8pm Collage New Music Pickman Hall, Longy School of Music www.collagenewmusic.org
11/1 at 7:30 and 11/3 at 2pm Odyssey Opera Huntington Theatre
11/16 at 8pm Radius Ensemble Pickman Hall, Longy www.Radiusensemble.org
11/17 at 3 Ludivico Ensemble Seully Hall, Boston Conservatory Marti Epstein at 60 www.ludovicoensemble.org
11/23 at 8pm BMOP Jordan Hall www.BMOP.org
Holiday Pops with the Boston Pops https://www.bso.org/brands/pops/features/2019-holiday-pops.aspx
11/30 at 8pm Boston Pops Providence, RI
12/1 at 4pm Boston Pops Schenectedy, NY
12/6 at 8pm Boston Pops Worcester, MA
12/8 11am, 3, 7:30 Boston Pops Symphony Hall
12/14 Boston Pops University of Connecticut
12/15 Boston Pops New Jersey
12/16, 18,19 Boston Pops Symphony Hall
12/21 Boston Pops Manchester, NH
21/22 Boston Pops Lowell, MA
2/8 at 8pm contraBAND:chamberMUSIC music of Gee, Mazzoli, Balter, Cuong and Snowden Seully Hall, Boston Conservatory of Music bostonconservatory.berklee.edu/events/new-music-festival-2018-contraband%E2%80%94chambermusic
2/17 at 8pm Odyssey Opera Joan of Arc- Honegger Jordan Hall www.odysseyopera.org/2017-2018-season/
2/22, 24 and 25 Boston Philharmonic www.bostonphil.org/
3/3 at 8pm Radius Ensemble Pickman Hall, Longy works by Strauss, Hoffman and Brahms radiusensemble.org/concert3
3/10 at 7:30pm Love Letters The Chamber Orchestra of Boston Music of Howard Hanson, Ravel, Elgar and more... www.chamberorchestraofboston.org/love-letters/
3/23 at 7:30 4/6 at 7:30 Boston Ballet Romeo and Juliet by Prokofiev www.bostonballet.org
4/1 at 8pm Sound Icon Fromm Concert at Harvard www.soundiconensemble.org/events 4/4 at 8pm Boston Pops Hartford, CT www.bso.org/Home/?clear=1&clear=1&brands=6425
4/7 and 8 Boston Pops PA and MD www.bso.org/Home/?clear=1&clear=1&brands=6425
4/14 Boston Musica Viva Tsai Performance Center www.bmv.org/april18
4/17 at 8pm Berklee Composition Department Concert
4/21 at 8pm Boston Modern Orchestra Project Jordan Hall www.bmop.org/season-tickets/thousand-mountains-million-streams
5/5 at 8pm Radius Ensemble Pickman Hall at Longy School of Music radiusensemble.org/concert4
5/12 at 7:30 Chamber Music of Boston First Church, Boston music of Griffes and Copland www.chamberorchestraofboston.org/the-great-outdoors/
5/12 at 3pm Back Bay Chorale Sanders Theatre, Harvard Music of Vaugn Williams bbcboston.org/
5/19 10am New Music Gathering at the Boston Conservatory Performance with contraBAND www.newmusicgathering.org
5/18-5/3 Cortona Sessions for New Music Tuscany, Italy www.cortonasessions.org/
6/16-24 Walla Walla Chamber Music Festival Walla Walla, Washington www.wcmf.org
7/29 at 4pm Music From Salem www.musicfromsalem.org
8/11 9:45-11:15am National Flute Association Convention Visionaries: the 20th Century Flute in Blue Spring II music by Boulez, Stockhausen, Carter, Jolivet, Wolpe, Sciarrino and Varese
9/14 at 8pm Sarah Brady, Faculty Flute Recital Seully Hall, Boston Conservatory at Berklee Michael Kirkendoll, Piano Rhonda Rider, Cello Antonina Styzcen, Flute Music of Eun Young Lee, Tonia Ko, Tristan Murail, Eve Beglarian, Beat Furrer and Jane Rigler. bostonconservatory.berklee.edu/events/faculty-recital-sarah-brady-flute
9/22 at 7:30 pm Odyssey Opera at Jordan Hall La Reine de Saba: Gounod www.odysseyopera.org/
9/29 at 8pm Radius Ensemble at Pickman Hall Music of Golijov, Ruehr, Castelnuovo-Tedesco and Shostakovich radiusensemble.org/
10/12 Blackstar at Virginia Tech 10/13 Blackstar at Flynn Theatre, Vermont 11/1 Blackstar at UT Austin 11/13 Blackstar at Stanford, CA www.ambientorchestra.com/
10/19 at 8pm BMOP at Jordan Hall
10/20 at 8pm Boston Musica Viva at Thai Performance Hall Music by John Harrison, Nicole Castiglioni, Judith Weir and Gunther Schuller www.bmv.org/
11/3 at 8pm Radius Ensemble at Pickman Hall Music of Crumb, Dohnanyi, Mazzoli and Janacek radiusensemble.org/
11/9-11 Odyssey Opera at the Huntington Theatre Le Medecin Malgre Lui: Gounod www.odysseyopera.org/
11/17 at 8pm Derek Hurst Faculty Recital Seully Hall Premiere of Whir for Alto Flute and Live Electronics
11/30 at 8pm BMOP: Trouble www.BMOP.org
12/1,2,7,8,15,16,19 Boston Pops 2017 Concerts
1/9 at 8pm Portland Chamber Music Festival New music for Flute and Strings at Space Gallery Vores, Berger, Beach and Norman www.pcmf.org
1/17- 19 Cortona Sessions for New Music Residency at Vanderbilt University www.Cortona.org
2/1 at 3pm Spectral Music and Sound Icon Lecture and concert in Brown Hall, NEC works by Murail, Grisey and Hurel
2/18 at 8pm BMOP at NEC's Jordan Hall Music of Philip Glass www.BMOP.org
3/4 at 8pm Radius Ensemble at Longy's Pickman Hall music by Brahms, Glass, Bunch and Rakowski www.Radius.org
3/11 at 6:30 and 8 Phases: A Lunar Fantasy at the Peabody Essex Museum www.pem.org/calendar/event
3/7 at 9pm Callithumpian plays the Berio Sequenzas Lilypad in Cambridge
3/22 at 7:30 A Celebration of Yehudi Wyner Jordan Hall www.jartsboston.org/event
3/31 at 8pm BMOP at Jordan Hall music of Harbison, Sawyer, Sanford andPerera www.BMOP.org
4/2 at 3pm BMOP at Amherst College www.BMOP.org
4/8 at 10 am and 12 Boston Symphony Orchestra Children's Concerts ww.BSO.org
4/7 and 4/8 Rhode Island Philharmonic Orchestra Veterans Memorial Hall www.ri-philharmonic.org/Orchestra/Concerts
4/14 at 7:30 Odyssey Opera Zemlinsky- The Dwarf www.odysseyopera.org
4/22 at 8pm BMOP at Harvard music by Tippett and Weston www.BMOP.org
5/6 at 8pm Radius Ensemble at Longy's Pickman Hall music by Ziporyn (world premiere), Messiaen and Devienne www.radius.org
6/2 and 3 at 7:30 Odyssey Opera Gilbert and Sullivan www.Odysseyopera.org
6/5-612 Walla Walla Chamber Music Festival Walla Walla, Washington www.wwcmf.org
7/2-7/16 Cortona Sessions for New Music Italy www.Cortonasessions,org
7/26, 7/28 and 7/29 Midsummer Opera Donizetti- Elixer of Love www.midsummeropera.org
7/27 at 7pm Monadnock Music Festival, Temple, NH Flute, Harp and Viola Music by Ravel, Beethoven, Ibert and Miguel del Aguila http://www.monadnockmusic.org/summer-music-festival-schedule.html
8/4 at 7:30 Monadnock Music Festival at the Peterborough Playhouse All Beethoven Concert
8/8-13 National Flute Association Convention Mineapolis, Minnesota Music by Reinaldo Moya, Elenor Hovda and Peter Bacchus www.NFAonline.org 9/16 at 7:30 Odyssey Opera at Jordan Hall Tchaikovsky- The Maid of Orleans www.odysseyopera.org
9/23 at 8pm Radius Ensemble at Longy School of Music Music by Francaix, Dvorak, Andrew Norman and Laurie San Martin www.Radiusensemble.org
10/6-8 Flutistry Fair at Boston Conservatory at Berklee www.Bostonflutefestival.com
10/21 at 8pm Legends of Zelda Wang Thetare
10/27 at 7:30pm, 10/29 at 3pm Odyssey Opera at the Huntington Theter L'Assedio de Calais, Donizetti http://www.odysseyopera.org/
10/28 at 8pm BMOP at Jordan Hall Music of Sanford, Harbison, Aucoin and Schumann www.BMOP.org
11/3-12 Boston Ballet Obsidian Tear https://www.bostonballet.org/home.aspx
11/9 at 1pm Amber Flute Quartet Music for flutes by Baltic Composers http://yuliamusayelyan.com/yulia-musayelyan/event/amber-flute-quartet/
11/18 at 8pm Radius Ensemble Longy School of Music, Pickman Hall Music by Ruehr,Larson, Mozart http://radiusensemble.org/concert2
12/1 at 8pm Boston Modern Orchestra Project Trial at Rouen by Dello Joio Jordan Hall www.BMOP.org
12/2,8,16, 17, 22 Boston Ballet Nutcracker www.bosotnballet.org
Concerts 2017
1/18 at 8pm Boston Modern Orchestra Project Jordan Hall Music by Maxwell Davies, Moravec, Wagner www.BMOP.org
2/6 at 7:30 Ensemble Parallax Aurora in Providence, RI music by Hurel, Feldman and Manzoni www.ensembleparallax.com
2/7 at 8pm Boston Conservatory Contemporary Music Festival music of Donald Martino www.Bostonconservatory.edu
2/19 and 2/21 Boston Philharmonic www.Bostonphil.org
3/5 at 8pm Radius Ensemble Pickman Hall at Longy Schoool of Music music by Poulenc and Lee www.radiusensemble.org
3/25 at 8pm Boston Modern Orchestra Project Jordan Hall Child Alice by Del Tredici www.BMOP.org
4/1 at 8pm Music of Johnathan Bailey Holland Boston Conservatory www.bostonconservatory.edu
4/7 Radius at Clark University www.radiusensemble.org
4/19 at 8pm Boston Symphony Orchestra Mahler 9 with Andris Nelsons
4/21, 22 and 23 Boston Symphony Orchestra Debussy, Deutilleux, Ravel and Tchaikovsky Andris Nelsons
4/30-5/13 Boston Symphony European Tour Andris Nelsons Frankfurt, Essen, Hamburg, Leipzig, Dresden, Munich, Vienna and Luxembourg www.BSO.org
5/7 at 8pm Radius Ensemble Pickman Hall at Longy www.radiusensemble.org
6/8, 6/10 and 6/12 Odyssey Opera Lucio Silla by Mozart www.odysseyopera.org
6/13- 6/22 Walla Walla Chamber Music Festival Walla Walla, Washington www.wwcmf.org
6/25-7/9 Cortona Sessions for New Music www.Cortona.org
7/20, 7/22 and 7/24 Midsummer Opera L'amico Fritz by Mascagni Arsenal Center for the Arts, Watertown www.Midsummeropera.org
7/30 at 9pm Boston Pops Wianno Club 100th Anniversary
8/11 National Flute Association Convention Performance of Totem by Gergely Ittzes www.nfaonline.org
9/16 Odyssey Opera Dmitrij by Dvorak Jordan Hall, New England Conservatory www.odysseyopera.org
9/18 Yellow Barn Music Haul Flour Bakery, Back Bay 9am St. Mary's, Dorchester 12pm Christopher Columbus Park, Boston 3pm www.YellowBarn.org
9/24 Boston Musica Viva Tsai Performance Center Music of Boulez, Perle and Rakowski www.BMV.org
9/26 Tone Stampede Distler Hall at Tufts University Music of Marti Epstein, Arthur Levering and John MacDonald
9/30 at 7:30 Nth Degree Cape Cod, Falmouth Music by Ravel, Beethoven and Prokofiev
10/1 at 7:30 Nth Degree First Congregational Church, Chatham
10/2 at 3 Nth Degree Old Whaling Church, Edgartown Martha's Vineyard http://www.capesymphony.org/cape-symphony-special-events-1.asp
10/8 at 8pm Radius Ensemble Longy's Pickman Hall, Cambridge Larkspur by Fang Man www.Radius Ensemble.org
10/9 all day Flutistry Boston Flute Festival Boston Conservatory Classes, readings, merchandise, Concerts www.bostonflutefestival.com
10/29 7:30pm VentiCordi at Bowdoin College Music by Nino Rota, Shulhoff and Dring www.venticordi.org
10/30 at 3 Back Bay Chorale Sanders Theater, Harvard www.bbcboston.org
11/4 8pm Boston Conservatory Chamber Music Series Poulenc Sextet www.Bostonconservatory.berklee.edu
11/6 at 2pm VentiCordi Lark Chamber Music Series Woodfords Church, Portland, ME www.venticordi.org
11/18 at 8pm Boston Modern Orchestra Project Jordan Hall, New England Conservatory of Music www.BMOP.org
12/9 at 8pm Boston Pops Hanover Theatre, Worcester, MA
12/10 at 7:30pm Boston Pops Verizon Wireless Center, Manchester, NH
12/11 at 2:30 Boston Pops Memorial Auditorium, Lowell MA www.BSO.org
Concerts 2015
1/18 at 8pm Rite of Spring Dance Party Sheep Island Ensemble fundraiser: Music for Food Benjamin Franklin Institute of Technology https://m.facebook.com/events/319169191605248?acontext=%7B%22ref%22%3A3%7D&aref=3
1/24 at 8pm Boston Modern Orchestra Project Jordan Hall, New England Conservatory Music by: Agocs, Ligeti, Bartok and Karosi www.BMOP.org
1/27 at 8pm Defiant Requiem: Verdi at Terezin with the Tanglewood Chorus Symphony Hall http://www.defiantrequiem.org/content/upcoming-concert-dates
2/19, 20 and 21 Boston Symphony Orchestra Symphony Hall Music by Stravinsky, Poulenc, Mihaud and Prokofiev www.BSO.org
2/27 at 8pm Boston Conservatory Faculty Chamber Music Series Seully Hall Music by Villa Lobos, Hyla, Bartok etc... www.bostonconservatory.edu
2/28 at 10am Radius Ensemble Children's Concert www.Radiusensemble.org
3/5 at 8pm Boston Modern Orchestra Project Jordan Hall, New England Conservatory of Music Music by Harbison and Moravec www.BMOP.org
3/7 at 8pm Radius Ensemble Pickman Hall at the Longy School of Music Music by Shostakovich, Ruehr and Rossini www.Radiusensemble.org
3/11 and 3/12 Callithumpian Consort Jordan Hall at the New England Conservatory Music by Christian Wolff www.callithumpian.org
3/21 at 8pm Back Back Chorale Sanders Theater Harvard www.Backbaychorale.org
4/25 and 4/26 Portland Symphony Orchestra with Judy Collins www.Portlandsymphony.org
4/27 at 8pm (rescheduled from January) Defiant Requiem: Verdi at Terezin with the Tanglewood Chorus Symphony Hall http://www.defiantrequiem.org/content/upcoming-concert-dates
5/2 at 8pm Radius Ensemble Pickman Hall at Longy School of Music Music by Schumann, Gubaidulina, Part and Gabriela Lena Frank www.Radiusensemble.org
5/17-5/24 Odyssey Opera Spring Festival Huntington Theater Sir John in Love- Vaughn Williams The Zoo- Arthur Sullivan The Bear- William Walton www.odysseyopera.org
5/30 at 7:30 Odyssey Opera Eight Songs for a Mad King Peter Maxwell Davies www.odysseyopera.org
6/15 at 8pm Summer Institute For Contemporary Performance Practice (SICPP) New England Conservatory of Music Jordan Hall http://www.sicpp.org/
6/16-6/25 Yellow Barn Young Artist Program Putney, VT www.yellowbarn.org/
7/3-4 Boston Pops Hatch Shell www.BSO.org
7/10 at 7:30 Monadnock Music Festival Peterborough Playhouse All Beethoven Program www.monadnockmusic.org
7/18 at 7:30 BMOP at Monadnock www.monadnockmusic.org
7/31 and 8/2 Midsummer Opera Tsai Center at Boston University http://www.bostonmidsummeropera.org/
8/13-16 National Flute Association Convention Washington, DC Performances Thursday, Friday and Sunday
8/21 and 22 at 8:35pm Boston Pops Tanglewood www.BSO.org
9/5 at 8:35 Boston Pops Tanglewood www.BSO.org
9/18 at 8pm Odyssey Opera Jordan Hall at the New England Conservatory Le Cid by Massenet www.odysseyopera.org
9/25 at 8pm Boston Harp Festival at the Boston Conservatory Seully Hall Music by Damase and Donizetti www.Bostonharpfestival.com
9/28 at 7:30pm Callithumpian and Steve Drury Jordan Hall
10/3 all day Flute Day at the Boston Conservatory Sponsored by Flutistry Faculty Performances, Student Performances, Masterclasses and Flutes...tons of Flutes! www.Bostonflutefestival.com
10/17 at 8pm Radius Ensemble Pickman Hall at Longy School of Music World premiere of a piece for Flute and String Quartet by Elena Ruehr www.radiusensemble.org
10/20-25 Callithumpian Tour to UCSD www.callithumpian.org
11/9 and 11/16 2-4 In and Out Concert Series Gardener Museum John Luther Adams: Songbirds http://www.gardnermuseum.org/music 11/14 at 8pm Radius Ensemble Pickman Hall at Longy School of Music www.Radiusensemble.org
11/15 at 8pm Ensemble Parallax Aurora in Provience, RI Music by Boulez, Koulendros, Donatoni, Nathan etc... www.ensembleparallax.com
11/22 at 3pm Boston Modern Orchestra Project Jordan Hall at the New England Conservatory Gunther Schuller Memorial Concert www.BMOP.org
12/3 at 7pm Firebird Ensemble and Beth Morrison Productions Penelope by Sarah Kirkland Snider Gardener Museum www.Firebirdensemble.com
12/4 at 8pm Boston Pops Worcester, MA
12/5 at 8pm Boston Pops University of Connecticut Storrs, CT
12/6 at 3pm Boston Pops Veteran's Memorial Hall Providence, RI